Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Finding my WHY!

I've been working on this for months! 
My pursuit to find my WHY!
And I've worked it out!
It's harder than you think to find the thing that drives you everyday not just for certain things but most everything.

I've read book after book, post after post and listened and watched so many TED talks I feel like I'm ready to write and deliver my own. 

What makes this process so hard? 
  • Is it because we live in a society that makes us feel smarter than we actually are and when it comes to working something out like this it's impossible to plagiarise the end result? 
  • Is it hard because it's so easy to settle in our lazy lives and what's the point of finding out your WHY, I mean to say what will it actually change? 
  • Is it hard because it drives your family nuts that your on the next popular thing to do or know and asking weird questions about yourself makes you sound like a narcissist? 
  • Is it hard because I've made it that way because nothing is that simple, I have to complicated it for it to have meaning?
Whatever the reason/s I feel unexpectedly content now I've found it and written it down.  I also feel so connected to it that I want it as a slogan on everything in my life. 

It has made me think about the fact that it wasn't exactly a straight forward process though. 
Have I really become that lazy? Or conditioned?
It took effort, and time, I had to actually ask myself why I did all the things I do. Further more it made me question the things I don't do and procrastinate about! I overthink everything and although it pains me to be like this I do accept myself a little more now I have an answer to my WHY. 

The process I ended up following to find my WHY was a series of questions, of asking myself the following on a daily basis;
  • Why I got up today?
  • Why I showered and got dressed and put on make up?
  • Why I clean my house?
  • Why I go to work?
  • Why I clean up at work?
  • Why I do the job I do?
  • Why do I look for opportunities?
  • Why I won't settle for what I have in life?
  • Why I am in a relationship?
  • Why I make the choices I make?
  • Why I do things over and above other things?
  • Why I post stuff?
  • Why I spend so much time learning new things?

This hard look into myself has brought me to this small statement which is my WHY. 

"Everything I do must bring about a positive change, it must make me feel proud of what I am doing and it must help others in some way." 

I may tweak the words a little to refine it but this is my raw draft of my WHY! 

What's yours?
And what was the process of your finding it? 

My WHY  has ignited more questions in my life that I now need answers to.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Discover Life's purpose!


What is your Why!

For a while now I've been researching and struggling with my why!
I haven't got very far with it other than to completely dismantle myself in asking why I need a why to help me in life, but somehow I feel like I do.
I need to refine my life, although I'm happy I feel I could do it better!
In confessing this however these new buzz words and buzz life-needs to make oneself happier, confuse the shit out of me quite frankly!

But here I am #discoveringmywhy which is the new #simonsinek word for your life's purpose + passion, all in one. 

Of course I have already distracted myself at least 4 times before writing it down thinking that writing would make me concentrate more πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚
i convinced myself if i write about it rather than keep going in circles buying books, clicking on ted talks and liking facebook pages of inspirational thing I would be able to work it out for myself so I find myself down loading an app to do this, one that I already found and downloaded back in 2009 and rediscovered I already have a blog site 😏 ha ha.  Oh the memories.

All distractions aside here we go!
Without further ado let's get this show on the road cause I ain't paying for anything else. 

Let's get the important Q+A  out in the open 

Q. why do we need to pay to find our Why?
A. Because someone knew we were lost and will pay to get help!

Q. Why isn't it straight forward?
A. Because if it was straight forward we would already be doing it and just get on with applying it and use it to gain success and happiness. Unhappy people spend money chasing happiness or what they think will make them happy!

Q. Why am I unhappy
A. You may not be unhappy and this article will hopefully help, the other thing to remember is the world can't make any money off you if you are happy, so it will do everything in its power to make you feel unhappy including questioning what you've done in the past and now in the present that makes you feel secure and happy. 

Q. Where do I find help to make myself happier?
A. Anywhere someone can convince you that what you are doing in life isn't good enough! Just ask them!

Q. Why am I still perusing my why even if I'm happy?
A. Because everyone else has the bloody answer to that question and you don't! Having the answer to your WHY has lead you along the important path of how far you have come and what you should be grateful for and celebrating what you have already achieved. If it's not what you want in life then it's much easier to achieve change when you can see how adaptable you have been in the past. 

Ok so let's break this Why down into two areas.

Purpose is basically what gets you out of bed and living life because you have to! 
Your purpose will change as life changes. When your a kid your parents gave you purpose by telling you what to do or you get your arse kicked or lose out on good shit like to time or treats!
When you first leave home your Purpose comes from pride that you are now free and no one can tell you what to do anymore but you have bills to pay so you have to work.
When you have kids your Purpose is to protect and provide for them so you go to work to do this. 
When your kids have kids and you want to spoil them, and do nice things for yourself.
When your old your Purpose may be as a volunteer and you get out of bed for a cause! Eg working for a charity to help the less fortunate or looking after the environment to help save the world. Big big things are happening because of volunteers! 


Passion! the uncontrolled happiness you feel that gets you out of bed for something. 
You know, the feeling you get on the weekend or holidays where you can always wake up earlier because you get to play with your favourite people, go to your favourite breakfast bar or to explore new places. 
When you're little it gets you out of bed because you can't wait to see your parents and toys and eat food.
When your a teen it's at its hardest and for me it was boys, friends or food.
When your an adult its to see your new boy/girlfriend or friends, your new career and the promise of more financial freedom, travelling and experiencing new places and people. . 
When you're a parent it becomes harder because tiredness kicks in but you're still excited to see those bundles of joy you call your kids and show them the world. 
When your kids go to school for women it could be our passion to go back to work or study and socialise with adults and make some more progress in your career, for men it may be to work less and get a hobby while you share the financial work load or to move further up the corporate ladder. 
When your kids are gone it's the excitement of travelling or hobbies you didn't have time for or couldn't afford. 
When your old it's because you woke up and your still alive and you have another day to make your world a better place. 

So what happens if one or more of these things isn't working out for you?
How does one find their why when one part of you feels it has died.  
It may be that you hate your job, or you have lost interest in things that use to make your life feel joyful a family breakdown or health issues maybe???


In any and all these circumstances you must look back to your childhood, it is there that all your original dreams and embers of passions were made and can still be found. 
Make a list of things you loved or wanted to do when you grew up!
What did you want to be? a rocket man, a ballerina, an artist, a dog whisperer, a mechanic, a cook, a fairy, a doctor, nurse, a vet, creating new fashions, cleaning, reading books, truck driver, massaging people, farmer,  making people feel good, road worker, a performer, or maybe a dreamer.

What ever it was this was your original life passion. All your dreams that no one could shatter! Your strength, your hearts desire the places you went to when you were alone with no one to judge your and no one to impress.
Write them all down !
Now step out how you can get back on a path to bring them or parts of them to into and a part of your life. 

There are many opportunities to change but there's always two obsticals and they are effort and money. 
People who say they have no time are afraid or lazy,  that's ok if you don't want to change.
But if you truly want to be happier then you must be doing something that isn't making you happy at present, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this or wanting to make changes. 

With a passion you will find a way to make them happen. Finding your passion, is what will make the biggest changes in your life.  
Passion isn't found it is created! 
It is created from taking chances, being curious and being fearless just like you were as a child, feeding an idea that caught your interest. 

Remember too that it's ok to have the simplest of goals and or passions and enjoying them. 
Don't let the world tell you that you're not happy when you are. 
Success is a simple thing,

I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with unhappiness or the new buzz words that are making you feel unhappy with your life because you can't afford to buy the meaning and solutions on offer! 

πŸ’•Sally G 

Finding my WHY!

I've been working on this for months!  My pursuit to find my WHY! And I've worked it out! It's harder than you think to find the...